Perfect lives

Perfect lives are made of imperfect starts. it is up to us to take those peices and put them together and make the masterpiece our lives our. some succeed some fail. but then thats life.


New guy said...

Deep thoughts RNM. And thanks for leaving your comments on my blog.

What you say is similar in spirit to something else i have heard....

Life is like a hand of cards, you do not know what you are dealt, but its how you play from then on that makes a difference.

--xh-- said...

i agree with you and comrade chakra.. its about how we make most out of wht we get.. saw this on one of my friedns status message in G talk "when life handles you lemon, call me over for a tequila"

Anonymous said...

waowwww! Shanu... i luffff the new template!!!!!!


the quote is superb :)

i think i should start looking for pieces.

Anonymous said...

waise i tagged u :)