
"Sanity is the last refuge of the unimaginative"


SMRITI said...

So true...but then is every imaginative person insane?

Dewdrop said...

@Smriti... I think every creative person thinks the world is insane! :)

vagabond dreamer said...

@ Smriti - a fertile sense of imagination is a sign of dementia. I mean its not of the threatening kind but an author dreaming up a fictitious world and an artiste painting a picture, even a verbose copywriter writing are all people who are able to imagine some thing that isnt there ... i call that insanity.

@ dewDrop i think every creative person knows he is insane.. and wants to lash out at the world because they arent able to see or hear or imagine what he or she is seeing and feeling...

Meghna said...

omg.........makes me ponder.....actually makes me go insane :P so sorry 2 b visiting aftr so long....hope u havnt forgotten me thgh :D

Am bck in full form now....dontcha worry :)

Do check my blog soon too!!!

Winnie the poohi said...

lovely quote! :D :D