Riding a motorcycle can be a thrilling and enjoyable hobby, but it can also have numerous benefits for your health and well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the top health benefits of motorcycle riding.
  1. Improved mental health: For many people, the sense of freedom and adventure that comes with hitting the open road on a motorcycle is a powerful stress-reliever. The wind in your hair and the open road ahead can help to clear your mind and lift your spirits. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies found that motorcycle riding was associated with increased feelings of happiness and well-being.

  2. Increased cardiovascular fitness: Motorcycle riding can be a physically demanding activity, particularly when navigating through traffic or tackling challenging terrain. The physical exertion required to ride a motorcycle can help to improve your cardiovascular fitness and strengthen your heart. In addition, the fresh air and sunshine that you'll be exposed to while riding can also have a positive effect on your overall physical health.

  3. Better coordination and balance: Riding a motorcycle requires a high level of coordination and balance. You'll need to control the throttle, brakes, and handlebars with precision, all while maintaining your balance on the bike. This can help to improve your overall balance and coordination, which can have a positive impact on other physical activities as well.

  4. Increased core strength: Riding a motorcycle requires you to engage your core muscles to maintain proper balance and control. This can help to improve your core strength and stability, which is important for a strong and healthy body.

  5. Greater exposure to vitamin D: Spending time outside is essential for getting enough vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining strong bones, a healthy immune system, and a positive mood. Riding a motorcycle allows you to spend more time outside, increasing your exposure to this important vitamin.

In addition to these physical benefits, motorcycle riding can also have social and psychological benefits. It can be a great way to meet new people and make connections with others who share your love of the open road. Many motorcycle enthusiasts enjoy the sense of community and camaraderie that comes with being part of the motorcycle community.

That being said, it's important to always prioritize safety when riding a motorcycle. This includes wearing proper protective gear, such as a helmet, gloves, and boots, and following all traffic laws and safety guidelines. With a little caution and common sense, motorcycle riding can be a fun and rewarding hobby that offers numerous health benefits.

So, the next time you're thinking about hopping on your motorcycle, remember that it's not just a thrilling hobby – it's also good for your health. Whether you're looking to improve your cardiovascular fitness, boost your mood, or increase your exposure to vitamin D, motorcycle riding has a lot to offer. So hit the open road and enjoy all the health benefits that motorcycle riding has to offer.


Riding in a group can be a fun and social experience, but it's important to follow some basic guidelines to ensure the safety of all riders. Here are some tips to remember when riding in a group:

Follow the leader: The rider at the front of the group sets the pace and direction for the rest of the group. It's important to pay attention to their movements and try to follow their line and speed. This helps to maintain a cohesive and safe formation.

Leave enough space: It's important to leave enough space between you and the rider in front of you to allow for reaction time in case of unexpected movements. This can help to prevent collisions or falls.

Use hand signals: Hand signals are a useful way to communicate your intentions to other riders in the group. Use them to indicate when you are turning, changing lanes, or stopping.

Avoid overlapping wheels: Overlapping wheels can lead to a crash, so make sure to leave enough space between you and the rider next to you. This will give you both room to maneuver and react to any unexpected movements.

Stay alert: Always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to other riders, road conditions, and traffic. This will help you to anticipate potential hazards and react accordingly.

Be predictable: Try to maintain a consistent speed and line to make it easier for other riders to anticipate your movements. This can help to prevent misunderstandings or accidents.

Communicate with the group: If you need to stop or have any issues, let the other riders know by shouting or using hand signals. This will help to keep everyone informed and prepared for any changes in the ride.

Respect the rules of the road: Follow all traffic laws and be respectful of other road users, even if you are in a group. This includes obeying speed limits, stopping at stop signs and traffic lights, and signaling when turning. By following these guidelines, you can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable ride for all.


Motorcycle riding can be a thrilling and enjoyable experience, but it also requires a certain level of skill and caution. As such, it can teach valuable life lessons that can be applied in both personal and professional situations. Here are 10 life lessons from motorcycle riding:

Respect the rules of the road: In motorcycle riding, it's important to follow traffic laws and signals to ensure the safety of yourself and others. In life, following rules and respecting authority is also important for maintaining order and preventing harm.

Pay attention to your surroundings: Motorcycle riding requires constant awareness of your surroundings, as you need to be aware of other vehicles, pedestrians, and potential hazards on the road. In life, being aware of your surroundings can also help you to avoid danger and make better decisions.

Plan ahead: In motorcycle riding, it's important to plan your route and anticipate potential hazards in advance. In life, planning ahead and being proactive can also help to avoid problems and achieve your goals.

Take calculated risks: Motorcycle riding can involve taking risks, such as riding at high speeds or navigating challenging terrain. However, it's important to do so in a calculated and safe manner. In life, taking calculated risks can also lead to rewards, as long as they are done responsibly.

Stay focused: Motorcycle riding requires a high level of focus, as even a moment of distraction can have serious consequences. In life, maintaining focus and staying present can also help to increase productivity and reduce the likelihood of making mistakes.

Learn from your mistakes: Motorcycle riding involves a learning curve, and it's important to learn from mistakes and improve your skills over time. In life, it's also important to learn from mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Take care of your equipment: In motorcycle riding, it's important to regularly maintain and care for your motorcycle to ensure it's in good working condition. In life, taking care of your possessions and equipment can also help to prolong their life and prevent problems.

Stay calm under pressure: Motorcycle riding can involve unexpected situations, and it's important to stay calm and make quick, rational decisions. In life, being able to stay calm under pressure can also be beneficial in various situations, such as in a job or during a crisis.

Practice patience: Motorcycle riding can involve waiting in traffic or behind slower vehicles, and it's important to practice patience and avoid reckless behavior. In life, practicing patience can also help to reduce stress and improve relationships.

Appreciate the journey: Motorcycle riding can be an exhilarating and enjoyable experience, and it's important to appreciate the journey and the scenery along the way. In life, it's also important to appreciate the journey and the small moments, rather than just focusing on the destination.

Overall, motorcycle riding teaches valuable lessons that can be applied in various aspects of life, from staying focused and taking calculated risks, to practicing patience and appreciation. By embracing these lessons, you can increase your chances of success and enjoyment in both your personal and professional life.


Riding a motorcycle can be an exciting and exhilarating experience, but it also requires discipline, focus, and decision-making skills. These skills are not only important for staying safe on the road, but they also translate to leadership roles in various settings. In this blog, we will explore some of the leadership lessons that can be learned from motorcycle riding and how they can be applied to other areas of life. Whether you're a seasoned rider or just starting out, there are valuable lessons to be learned from the art of motorcycle riding.

Risk management: Motorcycle riding involves managing risks such as navigating traffic and potential hazards on the road. This requires good judgment, decision-making skills, and the ability to assess and mitigate risks. These skills are also important in leadership roles, where you may need to make quick decisions and navigate complex situations.

Adaptability: Motorcycles can be affected by weather and road conditions, and riders need to be able to adapt to these changes on the fly. Similarly, leaders must be adaptable and able to adjust to changing circumstances in order to achieve their goals.

Communication: Motorcycle riding requires good communication with other riders and vehicles on the road. Leaders must also be effective communicators, able to clearly convey their ideas and expectations to their team and stakeholders.

Teamwork: Motorcyclists often ride in groups and rely on each other for support and assistance. Leaders must also be able to work effectively as part of a team and foster collaboration and cooperation among team members.

Confidence: Motorcycle riding requires confidence in your own abilities and trust in your equipment. Leaders must also have confidence in their own abilities and the abilities of their team in order to inspire and motivate others.

Responsibility: Motorcyclists are responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them. Similarly, leaders must be responsible for the well-being and success of their team and the organization as a whole.

In conclusion, motorcycle riding can teach us a variety of valuable leadership skills that are applicable in many different settings. From risk management and adaptability to communication and teamwork, these skills are essential for effective leadership. Whether you're a seasoned rider or just starting out, there is much to be gained from the art of motorcycle riding. So the next time you hit the road on two wheels, take a moment to reflect on the leadership skills you're developing and how you can apply them to other areas of your life.



Why do I ride? Indian roads are not meant for hobby riding. Motorcycles are dangerous. Aren't you afraid you'll crash and hurt yourself or worse? 

All of us who like riding have heard all of this or addressed these questions. I'll try and answer them as best as I can from my perspective. 

I've been riding for nearly 24+ years, as soon as I was allowed to get back on anything that was motorized after my back injury, I've found riding, especially long distance or even shorter helps me shed my mental baggage and de-stress. Riding helps focus the mind, and concentrate and sharpens the focus. You need to be present in the moment, completely, one small mistake, a sudden lapse of judgment, a dog with a death wish, a human being without road sense, or even a patch of loose gravel can all end very badly. I have to ensure that I am focused on the task, completely and unequivocally to ensure that I enjoy the trip and return safely. Riding on Indian roads makes it even more of a challenge. It's also an amazing way of making new friends. Most of the friends I made in the last few years have been because I ride, amazing people, from diverse backgrounds, we probably would have never talked if it wasn't for motorcycles. Also, it's an amazing way to see to country around you. Pick a spot on the map and go. You get some gorgeous locations and destinations.

The last couple of years were bad, first COVID, then other challenges, and for a while, I was told I shouldn't be riding and all of it together just took a toll. For one reason or another other, I wasn't able to indulge myself in the one activity that helped me destress. It was crushing, sounds like #firstworldproblems but there was a real possibility, and still is I guess that I won't be able to get on a motorcycle ever again and that would be bad but till then I'll try and put as many km I can to help maintain my sanity. 

Other advantages: 

- You look absolutely badass in riding gear, dress up like a power ranger, even a nerd/geek like me 

- you get everywhere faster, by cutting through traffic and look good doing it 

- Riding motorcycles are is a great ice breaker, you meet the nicest people on a bike 

#whyweride #whyiride

Just 130 Kms is what it takes to transport yourself to a simpler place from a different time. Malshej Ghat is place that seems stuck in a time and geographical loop. While the people, green fields, open spaces and clean air look like they are separated from Mumbai by a 100 years, the lake and the mountains look like Maharashtra’s version Pangong Tso of Ladakh. And this is one of those trips where the journey is as rewarding as the destination itself. 

 The roads are beautifully paved, full of breathtaking vistas and scenic stretches. If you make the decision to ride to the top, you will be rewarded with beautiful corners that constantly war with the view for your attention. We had so much fun going up and then back when we were riding down that I wish I could have done that all day long.

The MTDC hotel and the view of the drop off behind it is a must see, you should also visit the lake and the Pimpalgaon Joga dam and the Harishchandra Garh fort. The monsoons make the place even more beautiful with myriad little waterfalls and streams that dot the landscape that wants to display a million shades of green all at the same time, like a deranged St. Paddy’s day celebration.

The weekend is almost here, dust your helmet, indulge your wander lust and ride out. The Mountains are calling.  

I got married! yeah, yeah i know it was sometime back but my surprise is from the fact that i got a girl to like my goofy, geeky personality long enough to think that marrying me and living with me for the rest of her life isn't such a bad idea after all.

This was 4 years ago and now we have a beautiful young son all of 10 months old. Like all parents we agonize over what we will teach our son and what he will learn when he goes out into the world on his own. This is a small list of things that i learned the hard way and wish that my son would pick up because this will make his life better. 

  1. Read, doesn't matter what, read as much as you can. 
  2. Treat your fellow humans with respect. You don't need to bend over and be subservient but treat every one with respect, especially those below you.  
  3. If you don't know something, admit it. It will save you a lot of grief later 
  4. Never lie or fib. It makes life a lot more easier & makes for less things to remember
  5. Never stress about life. there is nothing that a good night's sleep, a good drink and good company cant solve.
  6. Don't stereotype people, don't judge them before you get to know them. but if you do, never let your prejudices cloud your actions. 
  7. Listen to your gut. That is your brain creating insights from past experiences & warning or encouraging you. 
  8. Choose your friends carefully, they can be the difference between a mundane life and a happy one. 
  9. Everyone Deserves A Second Chance.
  10. People who are really good at what they do, become good with failure. Take risks, fail, you will learn more. 
  11. "Don't hide from your mistakes, embrace them. A mistake is a chance to learn something new." 
  12. Quit! The moment you realise you don't fit. dont take it to heart. Quit and move on. 
  13. Never raise your voice! raising your voice is a sign of weakness and lack of confidence.
  14. Fall in Love. over and over again. Profess your Love Loudly. If she doesn't reciprocate, let her be. Move on. 
  15. If a girl loves you for your goofiness, she is the one. Dont let her go! 
  16. Never bring religion, money & politics into love & friendship. Never trust people who judge you by these either. 
  17. Learn to laugh, with others & at your self. Its the single most important thing you will do.
  18. Never try to make others happy. If you are happy, the people who really matter will understand and be happy for you. 
  19. You aren't entitled to anything! everything you have/get is generosity or luck, dont take either of them for granted. 
  20. Say "Thank You" & "Sorry". Hold doors for others, smile. Everyone might not notice, those who do make it a better place.
  21. You will mess-up. its a part of life, even if we get angry, it will be momentary. we will always love you
  22. You are not responsible for anyone, you don't have to be. But stand-up for those weaker than you, your friends and siblings. 
  23. If you see someone bully, be malicious or unjust, stand up to them. 
  24. Never act in anger. You will always regret it. 
  25. Learn to tune out the world! it will help you concentrate and be more productive
  26. Never believe everything you read, hear or see. every story as another side. Question everything. 
  27. Try and always finish what you start. You don't want to carry the regret with you. 
  28. Be the one your friends will turn to in need. People turn to those with a good heart.
  29. Girls/Women who become friends but who will never be anything more, will be some of the most important people in you life. keep them close and cherish them. 
  30. Respect the women in your life. 
  31. Learn to cook and do your laundry. at least enough to keep your self alive and clean.  
  32. When you think your mother would disapprove of something, dont do it, or be completely sure it has to be done before committing your self to it. 
  33. Never buy more clothes than you need, but always have a surplus of underwear and socks. 
  34. Do not Bully or start a fight, But never back out from a fight either. 
  35. Life will not be cakewalk, there will be hard choices and decisions. Trust your self and commit to your choices. You can do the hard things in life. 
  36. DO NOT DO DRUGS. They will make you senseless, cost you more money than you have and make you do things you will not be proud off. 
  37. Learn to drink. But dont if you cant hold your alcohol. Do not drink with everyone, people will videotape you and put it up on YouTube if you are lucky. 
  38. The internet remembers everything! Be careful what you put out there. 
  39. Dont do something at 17 that you would be ashamed of at 40. 
  40. Get a Dog. Treat it the same way you would treat your child. 
  41. Never trust people your dog is suspicious of. 
  42. Be generous and help others when you are in a position to do so. 
  43. Every once in a while. call your parents and your friends. Make time to do so. 
  44. Nothing beats a good pair of shoes. Have at least 2. 
  45. The way you behave, reflects on your parents and your friends. Do not make us look bad. 
  46. Buy flowers for the women in your life, your mother, girlfriends, girlfriend, sisters and cousins. It is the best investment you will make. 
  47. Pick up a sport, no chess or poker are not sports. Sports will keep you healthy and your mind sharp. 
  48. Make a habit to run and cycle. it will also keep you healthy and clear your mind after a long day. It will also allow you to run away when required. 
  49. Make listening to news and or good music in the morning a good habit. 
  50. No matter what happens keep your head down, talk to your friends and family, it will Always Get Better. 

Life has a way of teaching its own lessons, i hope some day you read this and picks something from it.