The Orange Sweater

I have an orange Sweater, it was brought in a different age, in happier times, but the thing is i love the sweater. it was slightly large for me when i brought it and then one of my friends borrowed it. She is one of the five people on the planet that i will do any thing for, absolutely anything. well she sort of on the heavy side and when she borrowed the sweater it grew even larger for me. but i still wear it the most because it gives me a protected feeling. well one reason was she was very defensive about me, she was always there when i needed some one and hence it keeps reminding me that im cared for, wanted. silly and stupid, may be.
There have been days when i wake up in the morning and wish that the world would turn it self off and go away, never happens, i know, and days where i wish life had a pause button and on those days just picking up the Orange sweater is like a warm hug its been my sole companion on the days when Bangalore seems about ready to bite my head off. is it a very silly feeling? dont know dont care.
:D Deeps miss you babes and stay safe.


--xh-- said...

:) a very sweet post from u, man...